Travel Bucket Lists

Die 27 besten Wassersportarten, die man rund um die Welt ausprobieren sollte.

In this article, we will explore the 27 best water sports to try around the world. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced water sports enthusiast, there is something for everyone on this list. From the calm and serene to the wild and adventurous, these water sports will take you to new heights of excitement and thrills.

1. Surfing: Surfing is a water sport that has been around for centuries. It involves riding a surfboard on the surface of the waves while balancing your body. Hawaii is considered to be the birthplace of surfing, but you can find great surfing spots in many places around the world.

2. Kiteboarding: Kiteboarding, also known as kitesurfing, is one of the most thrilling water sports. It involves using a kite to pull yourself across the water while standing on a board. This sport requires a lot of strength, balance, and skill.

3. Stand-Up Paddleboarding: Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) is a water sport that involves standing on a board and using a paddle to propel yourself across the water. It is a great way to explore calm waterways and experience the beauty of nature.

4. Wakeboarding: Wakeboarding is a water sport that involves riding on a board while being pulled behind a boat. It is similar to water skiing but uses a single board instead of two skis.

5. Waterskiing: Waterskiing is a water sport that involves being pulled behind a boat while skiing on two skis. It requires a lot of strength and balance but is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

6. Jet Skiing: Jet skiing is a water sport that involves riding on a small, motorized watercraft called a jet ski. It is a great way to explore waterways and experience a thrilling ride.

7. Scuba Diving: Scuba diving is a water sport that involves diving underwater while wearing a scuba diving tank that provides oxygen. It is a great way to explore the underwater world and see amazing marine life.

8. Snorkeling: Snorkeling is a water sport that involves swimming on the surface of the water while wearing a snorkel mask that allows you to breathe underwater. It is a great way to explore the beauty of coral reefs and see marine life up close.

9. Fishing: Fishing is a water sport that involves trying to catch fish using a variety of techniques. It can be done in freshwater or saltwater and is a great way to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

10. Kayaking: Kayaking is a water sport that involves using a kayak to paddle across waterways. It is a great way to explore calm waterways and experience the beauty of nature.

11. Canoeing: Canoeing is a water sport that involves using a canoe to paddle across waterways. It is similar to kayaking, but the paddle has a single blade instead of two.

12. Rafting: Rafting is a water sport that involves navigating a river in an inflatable raft. It is a great way to experience the rush of whitewater rapids and the beauty of nature.

13. Sailing: Sailing is a water sport that involves using a sailboat to navigate waterways. It requires a lot of skill and knowledge but is a great way to experience the beauty of the ocean.

14. Windsurfing: Windsurfing is a water sport that involves using a sail attached to a board to propel yourself across the water. It requires a lot of skill and balance but is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

15. Parasailing: Parasailing is a water sport that involves being towed behind a boat while you are attached to a parachute. It is a great way to experience the thrill of flying while staying close to the water.

16. Flyboarding: Flyboarding is a water sport that involves using a board attached to a water jetpack to propel yourself into the air. It requires a lot of strength and skill but is an incredible experience once you get the hang of it.

17. Subwinging: Subwinging is a water sport that involves using a board attached to two wings to dive underwater and explore the ocean. It is a great way to see marine life up close and experience the beauty of the ocean.

18. Free Diving: Free diving is a water sport that involves diving underwater without the use of scuba equipment. It requires a lot of skill and endurance but is a great way to experience the beauty of the underwater world.

19. Underwater Hockey: Underwater hockey is a water sport that involves playing hockey underwater while holding your breath. It is a great way to stay active and experience the thrill of competition.

20. Kayak Fishing: Kayak fishing is a water sport that involves fishing from a kayak. It is a great way to explore calm waterways and catch fish.

21. White Water Kayaking: White water kayaking is a water sport that involves navigating a river and its rapids in a kayak. It requires a lot of skill and knowledge but is an incredible experience once you get the hang of it.

22. Surf Skiing: Surf skiing is a water sport that involves using a kayak to ride waves while surfing. It requires a lot of skill and balance but is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

23. Sea Kayaking: Sea kayaking is a water sport that involves using a kayak to explore the ocean. It is a great way to experience the beauty of the ocean and see marine life up close.

24. Water Aerobics: Water aerobics is a water sport that involves doing aerobic exercises in the water. It is a great way to stay active and cool down on hot days.

25. Water Polo: Water polo is a water sport that involves playing a game similar to soccer, but in the water. It requires a lot of skill and endurance but is a great way to stay active and experience the thrill of competition.

26. Snuba Diving: Snuba diving is a water sport that combines scuba diving with snorkeling. It involves using a regulator to breathe underwater while attached to a surface-supply hose. It is a great way to experience the underwater world without the need for complex scuba diving equipment.

27. Water Ski Jumping: Water ski jumping is a water sport that involves jumping over a ramp while wearing skis. It requires a lot of skill and balance but is an incredible experience once you get the hang of it.


These are the 27 best water sports to try around the world. Whether you are looking for calm and serene experiences or an adrenaline rush, there is something for everyone on this list. So, dive in and start exploring the beauty of the ocean and all it has to offer!

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